Out and About – Week of July 8th

I mentioned last week how difficult it is, at times, to get together with family. My siblings and I have been working since last February to set a date to celebrate my one sister’s eightieth birthday. Either she was out of town, I had other commitments, or the weather was not suitable for traveling. At first we were going to meet in Ann Arbor for lunch, because my other sister lives in Midland, and Ann Arbor would be about mid-way. Anyway, we finally got together here in Three Rivers on the weekend of June 30. We visited for a while Saturday evening and on Sunday morning we went to Belle Epoque for their fantastic Sunday Brunch. The Birthday Girl, who lives in Three Rivers, had never been there, and neither had my other sister and brother, so I was the Buffet Veteran. It was a perfect place to celebrate a special occasion. Chef Tom Toole has had to go back to being open only on the last Sunday of the month. Sunday, July 28, can’t get here quickly enough.

My sister-in-law, Julie, passed away last Tuesday. I’m not sure how many of you knew her, but she was married to my brother Bill. Together they had a bookkeeping and tax business here in Three Rivers. After my brother’s death, she stayed on here in Three Rivers for several years; then she retired and moved to Sturgis, and finally to Fort Wayne, Indiana, so that she could be closer to some of her children. I mention this because there was not a funeral, and I’m not sure if there will be an obituary in this paper. RIP Julie, your books are balanced.

I can’t remember when I haven’t been a big fan of firefighters. The tragic loss of the firefighters out west bothered me. The one bond that I share with them is that most of us are volunteers, which makes the tragedy even more memorable. We do what we do because we love it. On Saturday, July 20, Fabius Park Fire and Rescue will celebrate their Annual Open House. Located at 151149 West Broadway, just west of Three Rivers, the open house will begin at 10 AM and will run until 2 PM. If you appreciate firefighters and the work they do, this would be a great time to take the family out to the fire station and thank the personnel who help to keep you safe.

Summer is probably the most popular time of the year for traveling and really getting Out and About. School is not in session and the weather is more forgiving. The next big event for Three Rivers is HarmonyFest, and that doesn’t happen until Labor Day Weekend. Should you decide to do some traveling with the family, here are some things you might want to consider doing to insure that your travels are incident-free:

Don’t take everything with you. Leave your checkbook at home, along with any card displaying your Social Security Number.

Don’t forget to tell your bank and credit card companies about your travel plans. They may think all those fun-filled vacation purchases are fraud and disable your credit or ATM card.

Make use of the hotel/motel safe. It’s the most secure place to keep your passport, backup credit cards, financial information, and extra cash.

Be extra alert as to where you leave your bags. Don’t leave them on the floor, or hanging on the back of a chair. Staying alert will help you thwart pickpockets. Be extra watchful on public transportation and in restaurants.

When traveling by car, make sure that your valuables are out of sight when you leave your car unattended.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel it’s important enough to mention again. When you check out of your hotel, take your room card with you. The magnetic strip on the card contains all sorts of information that might be of use to a hotel employee. You gave them enough information when you used your credit card to pay for your room.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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