Kiwanis Club seeks more participants

The Mendon Kiwanis Club is seeking additional participants interested in being a part of the 57th Mendon Kiwanis Showboat fundraiser event in November.

“The Not So Wild West” is this year’s theme, and will feature songs and skits from the old west. Kiwanis members would like to extend an invitation to all voices in St. Joseph County to be included in the musically-themed show.

Practices are at 7 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays at the Mendon Elementary School gymnasium beginning Sept. 23. Potential participants can be a part of the cast only, or can tryout for a solo or small-group number.

Show times and dates are 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7, 8 and 9 at the Mendon Elementary School gymnasium.

Details are available from Dale Eickhoff, at 496-2115.

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