Out and About – Week of September 16th

I mentioned last month that I would let everyone know about an open house for the “Five Fabulous Females and Their Art”. The open house is scheduled for this Saturday, September 21, from noon to 2PM, at the Three Rivers Community Center, 103 South Douglas Avenue, in Three Rivers. This is your opportunity to meet Roxanne Barry, Christine Hartzell, Karen Hay, Joan Hector, and Christi Misner, the artists. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about their work, while enjoying the refreshments. By the way, this event is FREE.

Everyone has a favorite smell. Mine happens to be the aroma of fresh-brewing coffee and bacon and eggs in the frying pan. The smell of bleach is probably popular with someone in the laundry business. I don’t care for the smell of bleach, but I love how it works.

We have an area in our yard, where I don’t want any grass, let alone weeds. We paid to have nice white stones put down in place of grass. The stone looks nice and you don’t have to cut it once a week. Anyway, the grass worked its way through the plastic liner and stone and let me know that it was going to put up a fight for existence. I purchased about five gallons of cheap bleach, put it in my spray tank, and attacked the evil grass like a vintage crop-dusting aircraft. Now, bleach is a whitener and weed killer, so the end result might be a picture on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens. I’ll settle for a weed-free yard that smells like a laundromat.

We won’t be setting our clocks back one hour until Sunday, November 3, at 2 AM, so you’ll have to wait a while, before you’re able to get that extra hour of sleep. A good habit to get into, is to change the batteries in your smoke alarms, CO detectors, and alert boxes, that same weekend that we set our clocks either ahead or back. That way, they should always be ready in case they are needed during an emergency. The Three Rivers Fire Department will present a program on these three devices, on Tuesday, October 15, from 11:30 AM until noon, at the Three Rivers Senior Center, 103 South Douglas Avenue, in Three Rivers. This half hour of safety information is FREE, and everyone should know how they work, and how they can benefit you.

Here’s something special for you senior citizens. Effective Tuesday, October 1, the St. Joseph County Transportation Authority (CTA) will handle your van rides. The only change you’ll notice is a change in phone numbers. Instead of calling the Commission on Aging (COA) for a ride, you’ll need to call the County Transportation Authority. The CTA’s number is 269-273-7808, or you may call the toll-free number, 1-800-964-5700. The days of service for COA passengers will remain Monday through Friday. The cost will remain a suggested donation.

In 1838, the First Presbyterian Church of Three Rivers, 320 North Main Street, Three Rivers, opened their doors for the first time. Now, 175 years later, the doors are still open, and it’s time to celebrate. Known now as the First Presbyterian Church of Three Rivers/Centreville, the church invites everyone to join them in their 175 Anniversary Celebration, Saturday and Sunday, September 28 and 29. The celebrating begins on Saturday with a church open house and a party in the park, from 11 AM until 2 PM. Tours of the church and displays of historic documents and artifacts will be available for viewing. There will be plenty of games and activities for children of all ages, music by the Gratitude Steel Band, ice cream, and hot dogs from Weenie King.

On Sunday, September 29, everyone is welcome to attend the 10 AM worship service. Reverend Brenda Deily, Reverend John Best, and Reverend Raafat L. Zaki will lead the worship service. Also in attendance will be former pastors of the church. There will be a celebratory lunch immediately following the worship service. For more information, you may phone the church at 269-273-9571.

A couple of Murphy’s other laws:

If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone from California would be crazy enough to try to pass them.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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