Out and About – Week of October 28th

In last week’s column, I told about a trip that we made up north to the West Branch area, and I mentioned specifically about visiting the small town of Fairview, which was where many of my aunts, uncles, grandmother, and cousins lived during my childhood years. This trip back affected me in a way that I’ve never been affected before. I wanted everything to be the way it was the last time I was there with my family, and as we all know, that is impossible, because we are mortal, and things happen, sometimes for the good, and sometimes for the not so good. I guess that’s progress.

I have many memories about those visits, but I would like to share one specific event that occurred every time we made the trip to Fairview. When we visited Fairview, our family would sleep in the homes of various aunts and uncles. I usually stayed with Uncle Omer and Aunt Arla, as did my parents. I really liked Uncle Boney, a nickname that didn’t really suit him, because he wasn’t boney at all. Anyway, the two of us got along great. Upon our late-night arrival, Uncle Boney would promise me that the next day, he’d take me to the local cafe and buy me a hamburger. It would be just the two of us, which made the trip even more special. We’d arrive at the Fairview Cafe, and we’d always sit on stools at the lunch counter. He’d always brag to the other patrons about how I came all the way to Fairview for that special hamburger, and that he was paying for that hamburger and his cup of coffee. That burger was the best. Some ketchup, a pickle, a little mustard, and of course a nice slice of sweet onion made it very tasty. I’d wash it down with a cold glass of milk. Uncle Omer loved to laugh, and I loved to watch him laugh after I burped, after eating that burger. I think it was the onion. I can’t remember what I enjoyed more. Was it the burger, or was it just spending time with my Uncle Boney? I’m pretty sure it was the latter.

Meanwhile, back in Three Rivers, and reality, life goes on, and memories continue to be made, to be treasured later. I keep a journal so that reflecting on these years will be easier as I age.

Next Saturday, November 3, from 10 AM until 5 PM, there will be a mattress sale at Three Rivers High School, on Sixth Avenue, in Three Rivers. You will probably read that sentence over again, but believe me, it’s true. It’s the Third Annual TRHS DECA/BPA Mattress Sale. I’d better explain a little further about DECA and BPA. DECA is the Future Young Entrepreneurs of America, and BPA stands for Business Professionals of America. Anyway, there will be a large selection of mattresses in many different sizes on hand, from which to make a selection. Free layaway and delivery is also available, and you may pay for your purchase with cash, check, or credit card. This sounds like a perfect deal, and the money goes for a great cause. All profits go directly to DECA and BPA to assist in their competition expenses. Any questions may be directed to Mr. Scott Muffley, Marketing Teacher at Three Rivers High School. The phone number for the high school is 269-279-1120.

Next Sunday, November 3, is the time to set our clocks back one hour. Remember, spring ahead and fall behind? The actual time to set your clocks back is Sunday at 2 AM, but usually everyone sets their clocks before going to bed Saturday night. Another thing to remember, is to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and other battery-operated devices. It’s inexpensive insurance and just plain common sense.

You still have time to check your snow blower before we receive any real snow accumulation. With a foot of snow to remove, you don’t want to find out that your spark plug needs replacing, or your wheels are not securely attached to your machine. If you don’t own a snow blower, all you need to do is remember where you put the snow shovel.

You’re probably finished with the lawn mower. I usually run it out of gas, sharpen the blade, and thoroughly clean under the deck. A nice coating of WD-40 under the deck might prevent rust from forming. I usually place a plastic cover over the mower to keep the dust away, but that’s just me.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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