Proposal for increased millage

A potential request for a 1-mill increase is being debated by members of the Mendon Community Schools Board of Education.

During a public forum Wednesday at Mendon High School, Superintendent Rob Kuhlman provided background on the district’s financial state and the rationale for considering a request that would generate $9.3 million over an eight-year period.

If the request is authorized and approved, nearly two thirds of the money would be used for building and infrastructure improvements. The potential amount also includes funding to demolish the 108-year-old Mendon Heritage School House and construct a memorial to the former high school in its place.

The second of two community sessions will take place at 7 p.m. Oct. 16 at Mendon High School. Meanwhile, board members have until early November to decide whether to put the measure before voters Feb. 25.

The proposed 1-mill increase would also allow for the purchase of seven new buses over an eight-year period, and a full technology upgrade.

Mendon current levies 7 mills, the second most in the county behind Sturgis Public Schools and its 8.37 mills.

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