Salon raised money for cancer research

A Centreville hair salon raised more than $500 for breast cancer research during a special program Friday morning at Sturgis Middle School.

Teresa Shingledecker, owner of X-treme Hair Lengths, said a seven-member team from her salon added pink coloring to the hair of 102 students who paid $5 each to support the cause. The tradition started in 2011as a show of support for teacher Mary Campbell, who was on sick leave while battling breast cancer.

Campbell is now a survivor but the annual fundraiser continues to gain momentum, Shingledecker said.

As part of its “Passion for Pink” campaign, X-treme Hair Lengths is offering a pink feather or extensions for $15, or a pink hair paint job for $5, through Oct. 31. Proceeds also go to breast cancer research.

Shingledecker also has collected a number of prizes she will raffle off Nov. 1. Tickets are available at the salon, 206 E. Main St.

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