Scavenger Hunt successful

The Burr Oak Heritage Festival Committee last weekend conducted its twice-a-year Ride and Seek scavenger hunt.

Grand prize winners of the “Golden Fork” awards were the six-member team consisting of Tina Pratt, Lara Weniger, Rhonda Gunter, Sue Sturwold, Cyndi Monte and Barb Wittlock.

The team accumulated 915 points after photos were downloaded by Steven Sturwold and reviewed by judges John Davidson and John Felcyn.

The Burr Oak Missionary Church hosted a hog roast for contestants and community members immediately following the scavenger hunt.

Many items were raffled off while contestants were waiting to hear the results. A dinner for 8 donated by Schwan’s and hair care products donated by the Serenity Salon were among the favorites.

Event organizer Cyndi Miller encourages a good turnout at the spring Ride and Seek Scavenger Hunt. Details about the next event are forthcoming.

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