Out and About – Week of February 4th

Probably the most popular topic of conversation these days is the weather. If you are a regular reader of this column, then you are aware of my dislike of the winter season. I vent regularly about the frequency of snowfalls, but I do realize that Mother Nature couldn’t care less about how I feel about the cards that I’m dealt in the game of weather. I also realize that no one is forcing me to live here in “Pure Michigan”. I choose to live here, because this is where I was raised, and it is where I’ll spend the rest of my life. I keep telling myself, “It’s winter, and this is Michigan. Pull your big-boy pants up and deal with it.” This winter is like the winters we used to have back in the day. We could be living in Buffalo, New York, where this is considered rather mild, as far as weather is concerned. Keep in mind that, in five months, we’ll be complaining about the heat and humidity.

This happens way too often, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it. As humans, we are mortal, and because of this, we will all pass on into eternity. Eternity can be what your faith says it will be, and I truly believe that. On Friday, January 24, another person I admired and respected passed away. Charles “Chuck” Daugherty lived a happy life filled with family and friends, and I consider myself fortunate to have known him for over 55 years. I admired him, because he was truly a family man, who enjoyed the same things as his children. He was a musician, engineer, and a lover of aviation. I sort of envied Pat, Penny, Jim, and Larry, because he always took the time to share in their interests, The last time I saw him was at the last concert put on by the Glenn Miller Orchestra at the historic Riviera Theater, here in Three Rivers. He loved the “Big Band” sound, and he shared this event with three of his four kids.

One special fact about Chuck, was that, during World War II, he was a Naval Flight Instructor, and he trained pilots in the T-6 Texan, a vintage aircraft of the day. That, in my mind, made him “cool”. I’ll miss Mr. Daugherty, as will many others. I salute you, Chuck, for your service to our country, and I commend you for being a good father, husband, and friend.

A week from Friday is Valentine’s Day. February 14 is the date, so you gentlemen have just ten days to select that perfect card, or make special plans for that love of your life. Might I suggest an evening at the theatre? The Three Rivers Community Players have scheduled Valentine’s Day for the opening of another hit by local playwright, director, and actor, Shannon Michelle Piper. The title of her latest play is “RSVP: The Most Interesting Dinner Party That Never Really Happened”. If you know Ms. Piper, you know that she loves to laugh, and more than that, she loves to make others laugh. From the title of the play, I think she has succeeded once again.

“RSVP…..” will run February 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23. Friday and Saturday performances begin at 7:30 PM, and the two Sunday matinees start at 2 PM. The Players Theatre is located at 15526 Millard Road, directly behind Dairy Queen, in Three Rivers. For ticket purchase information, you may visit the Players’ website at trcommunityplayers.org. Tickets will also be available at the door prior to each performance. As always, advance ticket purchase is advised.

Here are the next four suggestions from my friend, Mr. Canine. If you recall, he’s the dog, who is also a teacher. For a dog, he’s pretty smart, and he has some great ideas on how we, as humans, can get more out of life, and get along better with each other. Here are this week’s four ideas:

On warm days, lie on your back in the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and find the shade.

Keep your private area clean as much as you can.

When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Enjoy long walks.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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