Out and About – Week of March 10th

It seems to me that, as we get older, our stress level becomes more evident. Perhaps I’m getting this confused with the lack of patience. I remember that, as my father aged, his patience decreased. At times he had a very short fuse, which caused me to move more quietly while in his presence. I’d hate to think that I’m taking after my dad, as I age.

One of the things that causes my blood pressure to surge and my patience to dwindle is seeing that the price of gasoline has jumped twenty cents per gallon. Getting Out and About via a vehicle is difficult without gasoline. There was a time when I would fill my vehicle’s gas tank on Thursday, because the price of gas always jumped on Friday. This is not the case anymore. It can be $3.37 on a Monday afternoon, and when you drive by the station Tuesday morning, the price has jumped to $3.57. I worked part-time as a cashier back in the day, but that was when gasoline sold for a dollar per gallon. People complained back then, also, but I never feared for my life because of that.

Please be aware of the fact that the gas station cashier does not control the price of the product. She or he merely changes the price on the pump and on the sign. The price of the product is determined by someone who doesn’t have to face the customer, so please be gentle the next time you speak with the person behind the counter. That job used to be fun. I don’t think it is anymore. I can’t think of anyone who enjoys being verbally abused for something they have no control over.

One of my favorite causes is the Animal Rescue Fund (ARF). These volunteers do so much for the cats and dogs that have been abandoned and/or mistreated here in St. Joe County. I commend them for their efforts, because this is another group that does what they do for the love of the cause. Every year about this time, they hold their annual dinner/auction. The proceeds from this fundraiser go to help those animals whose owners just don’t care enough to properly care for them anymore.

This year’s fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, beginning with the mostaccioli dinner at 5:30 PM, followed by the auction soon after. Once again, the venue is Belle Epoque, located on Railroad Drive, here in Three Rivers. Advance tickets are now available at Beam Sound and Video, West Michigan Avenue, in Three Rivers. Tickets not sold in advance, will be available at the door. Please be aware that tickets are limited in number, so advance purchase is highly recommended.

The reason I’m mentioning this event so early, is because, in order to have an auction, ARF needs donated items to auction. This is where everyone can help make this dinner/auction a huge success. If you can donate items, please contact Rodney at Beam Sound and Video. Rodney’s number is 269-279-6251; for more information, contact the event chair, Marty Davenport at 269-718-3331. Auction items need to be turned in at Beam Sound and Video by Saturday, March 15.

I have difficulty with some of the advertising we see on television. An example is seeing a lady distraught about how she is going to make it financially. In the past, she has borrowed money from her children, and now she has no idea how she will be able to continue living without any money. Her dilemma stems from the fact that her husband has a gambling addiction and has wasted away their funds. A few minutes later, there is an ad for one of the many casinos located right here in Pure Michigan. It depicts people who have won “Big Money” at gambling. Perhaps the money winners should talk with the money losers. If you don’t have money to lose, you shouldn’t take a chance on losing it. Las Vegas didn’t become the city it is today by giving away money. The same could be said about the Michigan casinos. They might let you win sometimes, but they’ll never go broke. The odds are too much in their favor. You can bet on it. If you have some extra money, get Out and About and take the family out for dinner and a movie. In my mind, that’s quality time.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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