Results of questionnaire

Results of a needs-assessment questionnaire, distributed jointly by Sturgis Hospital and Three Rivers Health, have been released.

The second of five fields focuses on Access to Health Care.

The results show leading issues among 620 respondents relate to a lack of affordable health insurance coverage, the cost of medical care and the lack of access to services.

Other data from the study show:

*Nearly one out of five St. Joseph County adults, 18 to 64 years of age, is uninsured.

*One out of six St. Joseph County adults reported not having sought out needed medical care in the past 12 months due to costs.

*One out of four St. Joseph County residents, on average per month, receive Medicaid and, if Medicaid expansion is passed, an additional 3,469 adults could become eligible.

*More than one out of two births to St. Joseph County residents were paid for by Medicaid.

*Language and cultural barriers within St. Joseph County due to growing Amish and Hispanic populations will continue to challenge these vulnerable populations and impact the healthcare system.

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