Out and About – Week of April 28th

This Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3, the Three Rivers Lions Club will be accepting your donations for White Cane Days. This fundraiser happens nationwide during the month of May, and the Three Rivers Lions will be on hand for these two days, here in Three Rivers at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Hardings, from 9 AM until 3 PM.. Donations received will go toward the Lions “Eyeglass” project, so that those in need might have corrected vision with proper eye care. The Three Rivers Lions thank these merchants for allowing them to use their locations for this worthwhile fundraiser. They also thank the concerned citizens for their generous donations.

The St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, highway US-131 and Arnold Street in Three Rivers, invites everyone to attend a “Comfort Dog Ministry” FREE event tomorrow, Wednesday, April 30. This event includes a potluck dinner provided by members of the church. The dinner begins at 5 PM. At this time, you’ll be able to welcome Howie, Zina, and their handlers. Following the dinner, there will be a presentation and demonstration showing the skills of these well-trained dogs. A question and answer period will follow. A FREE offering will be taken to help support the Ministry of Lutheran Church Charities and the Comfort Dog Ministry. For more information, please call 269-278-8415.

It seems that as the warmer weather approaches, the weekends get busier and busier. This weekend is no exception. It’s that time again for the Annual Michiana Antique Engine and Tractor Swap Meet. This is the 30th year for this event, and it seems to get better and draw more people every year. The Swap Meet will be held this Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3, and if you’re planning to be a vendor, the set up fee of $15. includes primitive camping, with NO electricity. The gates will open at noon on Wednesday, April 30.

The Swap Meet is presented by the Kalamazoo Valley Old Engine and Machinery Club, Scotts Olde Tyme Power and Equipment Association, and The St. Joe Valley Old Engine Association. I might suggest that after you give a generous donation at one of the three Lions donation sites, you head out to Boot Hill Ranch, one and one-half miles east of Jones, on Bair Lake Street, and enjoy the festivities. Admission is only $1 per person. Daisy Wagner has passed, but her memory and soul will still be present, so go on out. For more information, contact Steve Ammer, 269-651-8478, Bert Shirk, 269-244-5669, or Dawn Everett at 269-816-2264.

I recently had some dealings with the folks out at Fillmore Equipment, north of Three Rivers. Actually, they have merged with a few other John Deere dealerships, and are now known as GreenMark Equipment, Inc. Anyway, I treated myself to a pre-birthday toy, and came away as happy as a kid in a candy store, or happier than my wife would be with unlimited funds in a book store. I’d like to thank Andy and Gary for their time and expertise, and also my new buddy, Mark, who presented me with my birthday gift.

The American Red Cross will sponsor a blood drive tomorrow, Wednesday, April 30, at Three Rivers Health, located on South Health Parkway in Three Rivers. They will accept your donation of blood from 1:30 to 7:15 PM. They will toast your donation by offering you some fruit juice.

Three Rivers Community Players will hold auditions for the upcoming production of Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Auditions will be held at the Players’ Theatre, 15526 Millard Road, Three Rivers, on Monday and Tuesday, May 5 and 6, at 7 PM. Performance dates are June 20, 21, and 22. Questions may be directed to Director Patrick Nugent. He may be reached at 269-535-7654.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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