TR Health has counselors on-site

Three Rivers Health now has two certified application counselors on site to assist residents in applying for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Its counselors can help people understand, apply online and enroll for health coverage through the Marketplace. They are available to answer questions and be a resource for the community.

CEO William Russell said the Certified Application Counselors are trained and certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to assist individuals and families with enrollment in health insurance including health plans offered in the new Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid and MIChild.

Under the new Health Insurance Marketplace, residents may choose from three levels of coverage – bronze, silver, and gold. Many residents who are applying have little to no out-of-pocket monthly premiums.

Appointments may be scheduled with Debra Kinney, at 278-1145 Ext. 504, or Cathy Zinsmaster, at 278-1145 Ext. 592.

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