Out and About – Week of May 5th

Welcome to the month of May. With the weather being what it is, it’s difficult to remember what season we are actually in. There is no doubt that we are experiencing spring, because Mike King, the Weenie King, has been in full operation for the past several weeks. He is a pro, when it comes to handling the weather, and he doesn’t let it get to him at all. He has experienced snow, heavy winds, and, of course, an occasional deluge of rain. He has had to repair or replace umbrellas and canopies, while at the same time offering a wide selection of hot dog treats.

While watching Blue Bloods, or some other New York City-based drama, I often see a sidewalk hot dog vendor. It always makes me hungry for that tube of meat in a bun. We are fortunate to have our own parking lot hot dog vendor right here in Three Rivers. Mike’s son, Bud, or sometimes referred to as “The Weenie Prince”, has been a big help to Weenie King Mike. Bud has been licensed by the Health Department and is getting to know the regulars who stop by for a tasty dog. As a result of Bud helping out, Weenie King’s hours have been extended, which means you might be able to stop by earlier or later, depending on how loudly your taste buds are calling. The next time you stop by Harding’s Market, give the Weenie King or Weenie Prince a thumbs up, and thank them for helping to make Three Rivers a friendly place to visit, or better yet, a great place to call home.

It’s that time of the year when volunteers are out on the major highways picking up litter. In traveling north on US-131, I’ve noticed the plastic bags filled with litter positioned along the shoulders, waiting to be picked up. The amount of litter collected hasn’t decreased over the years, which means that there are still quite a few ignorant and uncaring drivers out there, who enjoy using our highways as their own private wastebasket. If you happen to see volunteers out picking up litter, please slow down and give them a thumbs up for volunteering to help keep Michigan pure.

Water Festival is next month, and plans for a successful event are coming along right on schedule. There’s always a need for voluntees, especially when it comes to the Thursday evening parade. The parade committee needs volunteers to help out in the parade staging areas. If you can spare a couple of hours late Thursday afternoon, June 12, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. All you need to do is stop by the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce, 57 North Main Street in historic downtown Three Rivers. Let Christy Trammel or the receptionist know that you’re interested in helping out. I’m pretty sure there’s never been a time when they’ve had too many volunteers.

Last week, I took a chance and mowed our lawn. I was lucky to find time when the lawn was dry enough and before it started to rain again. I’d rather mow the lawn than shovel snow. At least I know that I have at least a week before I’ll have to mow again. With snow, one has to clear it away sometimes more than once or twice a day. Besides, I enjoy the smell of a freshly mowed lawn. I don’t think there’s a smell for freshly shoveled driveway.

I’ve seen quite a few motorcyclists out lately. That’s another thing you must do when you can, and you can’t plan ahead too much, when it comes to planning for a ride. The weather changes too quickly.

One of the great things about taking the “bike” out for a ride in the country is that one is able to enjoy the aromas of freshly turned soil in the farmers’ fields. Even the aroma of fertilizer can be pleasant. I haven’t seen too many tilled fields yet, because of the rain we’ve had, but that, too will happen.

I was talking with one of our gang at our daily “coffee clutch” the other day. She said that she had enjoyed a meal of fresh asparagus and sweet corn. I’m sure the corn wasn’t from here, but I wouldn’t be too surprised to find out that the asparagus was locally grown. Oh, the promise of things to come.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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