Out and About – Week of June 30th

Last week I wrote about having lunch with an old friend of mine who was visiting from Idaho. The time we spent having lunch was great, and it made me wish we had more time to do more lunches, but those will have to wait until his next visit.

The week after Water Festival, I was having breakfast at one of the fine coffee/lunch venues, when through the door came another one of my classmates. The timing was great, because I was by myself and didn’t need to worry about my wife getting bored with a conversation dealing with my life fifty years ago. Nancy Welch is the daughter of the late Elmer Black, and she was in town with her daughter and step-mother-in-law. They were here to go through Elmer’s house and get some things sorted out. We talked about Elmer for a while. He was a remarkable man filled with tales of years gone by. He will be missed by many.

Nancy now lives in Florida, so the subject came up dealing with the difference in climates between Michigan and Florida. I asked her how she was able to tolerate the hot and humid summers in Florida. She replied by asking me how we tolerated the frigid and snowy winters here in Michigan. They learn when to stay in the air conditioning and when to get Out and About in sunny Florida. This makes a lot of sense to me, but I’d rather live in Michigan with an occasional cockroach, than deal with a multitude of palmetto bugs, plus they have those little geckos that are popular in Florida. To each his own.

It was great to spend a few minutes with Nancy, who, like many of my female classmates, still looks a lot younger than seventy years old. Actually she won’t be seventy for another month or so.

Not many people in Three Rivers ever knew Bill Kowalski. If you happen to be a Lions member, you might be lucky enough to have met him. Bill passed away Wednesday, June 18, in Kalamazoo, at the age of 91. We attended his visitation and funeral, which was difficult, but something we definitely would not have missed.

Bill Kowalski’s favorite project was Project KidSight. This project provides eye-screening for children from ages one to seventeen. It’s a free screening which can detect problems that can lead to blindness if proper action is not taken. He traveled many miles and dedicated many hours to this project. He received no compensation, because Lions don’t get paid for their volunteering. As a matter of fact, Lions Clubs International is one of those service organizations in which we pay to volunteer. Bill Kowalski’s pay was knowing that he had helped a lot of kids avoid the possibility of being blind. My pay, as a Lion, is being able to meet many people just like Bill. Rest in peace, my friend.

We are constantly reading or hearing about the latest “scam”. There are people out there who thrive on taking advantage of others. Here are two scams that you should be aware of:

“One Ring” scam: According to the Better Business Bureau, cell phone users should be on the lookout for unauthorized charges on their monthly statement. Customers receiving a missed call that rings only once from an unknown, international number could be charged if they call back. If this happens to you, and you think you’re a victim of this scam, alert your mobile provider.

“Phishing” scam: E-mails pop up from time to time, and they may look like they are from authentic companies, delivery carriers, or banks. Be careful of clicking links in e-mails, if you don’t recognize the return address. Should this happen to you, you can always verify information by directly visiting a website or calling the organization’s phone number. You can also contact a Fraud Resolution Specialist at 1-888-829-6558.

Here’s something to keeping in mind and put to good use:

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself, ‘Is it true?’

At the second ask, ‘Is it necessary?’

At the third gate ask, ‘Is it kind?’ ~ Sufi saying.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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