Out and About – Week of September 15th

For those interested, a brief update on my health condition. I have been a diabetic for several years and in August 2013, my doctor put me on insulin. He also mentioned that, if I would take better control of my diet and lose some weight, my condition would improve.

On September 2, I visited an endocrinologist in Ann Arbor. I first saw him last January and, during that appointment, he told me that I was obese and lathargic, and that my thinking was very slow. Needless to say, I left his office with very low self-esteem. I was determined to correct his impression of me, so I worked hard to change my health condition. I was successful, and during this recent visit, he said that I had made an improvement. He recommended that I stop taking insulin and continue exercising and eating properly. I only mention this because I’m very happy and wanted to share my happiness.

Bologna is not very popular when it comes to putting together a Dagwood sandwich, but we discovered a new way to enjoy this delicacy. The Spring Arbor Cafe in Spring Arbor, Michigan, features a fried bologna sandwich. The fried bologna sandwich comes with American and Swiss cheese and grilled onions, and is topped off with mayonnaise. It is served on Texas toast and is quite filling. I’ll have it again, the next time we pass through Spring Arbor. It was almost as good as a peanut butter and sweet onion sandwich. A side order of Rolaids might be in order.

The St. Joe County Grange Fair is this week, and I’ve volunteered to shuttle patrons around the fairgrounds. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to do this, and I am having a great time so far. Fair Week is special, and the exhibits are worth the trip over to Centreville. If you happen to pass through the gate overseen by the Centreville Lions, thank them for giving up their time to volunteer.

Reba is the headliner for the Saturday evening entertainment. Hopefully, the weather holds out and everyone has a great time. For some great food, visit the Kiwanis building. The food is better for you, and it’s for a great cause. See you at the fair.

The “Red Hat Ladies” are a special group of individuals whose main goal is to get together and have as much fun as possible without getting arrested. They usually go out for a meal, or attend any event where they might be noticed. They stand out because of their red hats. The hats usually don’t look alike, which makes them unique. I had the pleasure of talking with them on occasion when I was House Manager for the TR Community Players. They would be attending the play and, during my pre-play speech, I’d always try to recognize them to the rest of the audience. They were always made to feel welcome, and the cast members loved them, because they would react to the scenes that were supposed to be funny. It was a joy to have them in attendance. I have a classmate who is a Red Hat Lady. I have no idea how she sneaked into the group, because I’m sure that you have to be at least fifty years old to belong to this fun-loving group of ladies.

Every day I stop by the post office and check my post office box. In order to get inside the lobby, you must pass through two sets of glass doors. These doors have a bar across the door that is to be used to push the door open. It amazes me how many people just push on the glass to open the door. I owned a cleaning business at one time and have spent quite a bit of time cleaning glass. There are a lot of people who have never cleaned a glass window or a glass door. These are the ones who leave their finger or hand print on the glass. I thank the girl who maintains the lobby of the post office. Her job is never done, because there will always be someone entering or leaving the post office lobby, and they will not use the bar to open the door because they don’t want to get the bar dirty.

Now you know: A tall glass of watermelon juice can relieve muscle soreness because of the

melon’s high levels of an amino acid called L-Citrulline.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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