Constantine forms Fire Funding Exploratory Committee

The village of Constantine has formed a new committee to study sources of funding for anticipated needs by the Constantine Fire Department.
The Fire Funding Exploratory Committee was formed after fire Chief Mike Haydon gave the village, and Constantine and Florence townships, notice that the department must replace two trucks and the fire department building within the next 10 years.
Haydon recommended the first purchase, a pumper/tanker, to be made within the next two years at an estimated cost of $300,000. A second pumper truck, he said, should be purchased within the next six years at an estimated cost of $450,000, according to village manager Mark Honeysett.
Haydon believes the current fire department building is obsolete and he estimated the cost for a new building at $1.5 million.
No additional exploratory committee meetings are scheduled and likely will not be held until the three entities determine it is warranted.

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