Out and About – Week of March 16th

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. In Chicago, they put something in the Chicago River that turns it a very noticeable shade of green. Here in Three Rivers, we have a hard enough time just keeping the rivers free of debris. Should you choose to celebrate this special day, please do so responsibly, because tomorrow is another work day, and since I’m retired and drawing Social Security, I need as many of you to work as possible.
Iyanla Vanzant is quoted as saying, “One of the greatest challenges in creating a joyful, peaceful, and abundant life, is taking responsibility for what you do and how you do it. As long as you can blame someone else, be angry with someone else, point the finger at someone else, you are not taking responsibility for your life.” I find this to be quite true with way too many people today.
If a student misbehaves in school, there are some parents who feel it’s not the student’s or their fault. There’s just something wrong with the teacher or the school system. The student or the student’s parents don’t feel responsible for the bad behavior. Back in the day, if I was caught doing something wrong in school, I’d much rather have had the school principal punish me than tell my parents. The punishment at home was much worse than what was received in the classroom. “The times they are a changin’.”
If I remember correctly, the groundhog saw his shadow on Groundhog Day. This meant that we were due for six more weeks of winter. In my mind, the Groundhog myth has way out-lived its usefulness. On Monday, March 9, I saw the Weenie King in Harding’s parking lot. SPRING HAS ARRIVED!
The Polar Plunges are finished for the year. It is now time for the marathons to begin. This Saturday, March 21, Meyer Broadway Park, 59475 County Park Drive, Three Rivers, is the venue for a “Diaper Dash” I have a feeling that this is the first such dash of the kind. It’s a 5k Trail Run and Walk, with the registration starting at 10 AM and the dash beginning promptly at 10:30. The entry fee is diapers, which will be deposited in the Riverside Church Diaper Bank. They will accept new, clean diapers only. I have a feeling that there won’t be any winning diapers, because they always bring up the rear.
Mother’s Day is not until Sunday, May 10, but in my mind, every day should be a day that we honor our mothers. The same can be said for Father’s Day. If your mother is still living, please let her know how much she means to you. Here are ten things your mom never told you:
You made her cry……a lot.
She wanted that last piece of pie.
It hurt.
She was always afraid.
She knows she isn’t perfect.
She watched as you slept.
She carried you longer than nine months.
It broke her heart every time you cried.
She put you first.
She would do it all again.
I had a very loving and caring mother. I tried my best to let her know how much she meant to me, and I’m pretty sure she already knew that. I was very fortunate to have such a mother, and I hope that many of you readers feel the same way.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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