Out and About – Week of May 25th

Summer doesn’t actually begin until around June 22, but the “Summer Season” arrived Monday, Memorial Day. This means that gentlemen may now wear white shoes, white shorts, and black socks. Warning: If you do this, you’ll be showing your age. The ladies may continue dressing in any way they wish. They do not need any coaching. Oh, I almost forgot. I’m sure that it is safe to put away the snow blower and shovel. If you haven’t prepped the lawn mower, I’m afraid you’re a little late.
Time is slipping by much too quickly. It’s hard to believe that a month from now, this year’s Water Festival will have been in the history books for almost a week. The carnival midway will be just another parking lot, Scidmore Park will not have any signs of the many vendors that were available to show their wares, the main stage trailer will be back at the high school, and the Three Rivers Lions Club will already be planning for next year’s Ox Roast. A reminder to savor every moment of every day, because time has a habit of slipping away.
To those of you plagued with skin tags, here are the final four ways of ridding your body of those pesky little things that continue to get in your way when you’re shaving:
Mix castor oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply and cover with a bandage. After leaving it on overnight, wash the area with warm water. Repeat this procedure every night. You should see some results within two weeks.
Apply pure vitamin E oil twice a day. Results should happen in about ten days.
Cut a white potato into thin slices and hold in place with a bandage until the potato slice feels dry. Repeat daily for about a week. Probably not a good idea to eat the dried potato slice. Just throw it away, or add it to your bag of potato chips.
A banana peel contains potassium and other essential minerals. Place a small piece of the inside of a banana peel on the tag and cover with a bandage. Keep it on overnight. Hopefully, you should see results within two weeks. To avoid monkey-bites, don’t sleep with a primate.
If you come across a stubborn skin tag, the best advice is to see a dermatologist.

This Saturday, May 30, will be the second of two days that the Three Rivers Lions Club will be out collecting for their White Cane project. Donations received go toward the purchase of eyeglasses for those in need in the Three Rivers area. The Lions will be at the Three Rivers Wal-Mart and Walgreens from 9 AM until 5 PM. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated.
The one job that I would never want is that of a telemarketer. At one time or another, we all have been plagued by them, and I’ve heard many ways to deal with them. I think one of my favorite solutions is to keep a referee’s whistle nearby. Should you receive a call from a telemarketer, simply blow the whistle into your phone and yell, “FOUL”.
There comes a time when we all must place a call for assistance, whether it’s for help with our computer or to straighten out a mistake on a recent billing statement. The one thing that puzzles me is why I have to press one for English, only to be transferred to someone I can’t understand anyway?
I find myself constantly justifying my actions. Please don’t ask me why. I am among the majority when it comes to liking chocolate. If you’re like me, remember that chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree, which makes it a plant, which means that chocolate is actually salad. Life is good!
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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