Out and About – Week of August 10th

I have no way of knowing how many people subscribe to or buy the Three Rivers Commercial-News on a daily basis. If you’re reading this column, either you purchase a hard copy of the paper, or you’re reading it via the internet. No matter which, format you prefer, I thank you for taking the time to make this a part of your life.
If you have been paying attention, you are aware of the fact that Rick Cordes will
soon be leaving the newspaper, if he hasn’t done so already. It would be redundant to say that Rick will definitely be missed. I’ve thought and said many times that the Commercial-News is extremely fortunate to have Rick as a staff writer. For once, I can’t think of anyone who would disagree with me. Rick is an exceptional reporter and writer. If I had half his talent as a writer, I would feel truly blessed.
Not only is Rick a great newspaperman, but I also consider him a friend. He has always greeted me with a firm handshake and a kind word. For quite some time, I’ve had Rick’s phone number on speed dial. If I witnessed something newsworthy, I’d give Rick a call. I’m pretty sure there was only one time when I was able to “scoop” him on a story. It seems that he was always on his way to the scene of the story or already there.
Rick reminds me a little of Clark Kent, that mild-mannered reporter from the city of Metropolis, who was faster than a speeding bullet and could leap tall buildings in a single bound. You won’t find Rick changing his clothes in a phone booth, because there aren’t any phone booths around anymore, but you might find him paddling around Fisher Lake. He’ll also stay involved with the conservation and other good things dealing with Fisher Lake.
“Pure Michigan”. The “Great Lake State”. No matter how one refers to Michigan, it’s still my home state and Three Rivers is my hometown. Being part of the Midwest means that we experience all four seasons. Autumn and spring are probably the two nicest seasons. Summer and winter are probably the most unpredictable.
Summer has the heat and humidity, which can be extreme at times. Thunderstorms are also prevalent. In summer those orange cones appear, which means highway construction. On the positive side, I only have to mow the lawn only once a week. I can be outside without a jacket, and the sun doesn’t set until around 9 PM.
Winter has unpredictable snowfalls and occasional sub-zero temperatures. Positively speaking, the winter has the Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations, plus it’s difficult to find any mosquitoes.
My point here is that we should appreciate each season for what it’s worth. Every summer we complain about the heat, and every winter we complain about the snow and cold. A solution might be to buy a motor home and follow the nice weather throughout the year. The only disadvantage to this would be that all your friends probably wouldn’t be able to go with you. As for me, I guess I’ll grin and bear it. Any takers?
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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