Signature validation next step in school board recall

The St. Joseph County Clerk’s Office is expected to complete by the end of the week the validation of signatures turned in Friday as part of the Three Rivers Board of Education recall process.
Deputy clerk Phyllis Lung said the procedure is done by entering into a data base the names of those who signed. A computer cross-reference will confirm whether that person is a registered voter and also indicate their school district of residence. It will also show an example of the person’s signature.
According to TR Cares leader Sherrie Nowicki, the nine-day drive netted 1,421 signatures on Waneta Truckey’s petition. Truckey on April 29 voted to not renew the contracts of dean of educational services Kevin Hamilton and middle school principal Bradley Coon.
Nowicki said Carl Barth’s petition featured 1,404 signatures. He cast votes against renewing the contracts of Hamilton, Coon and athletic director Pete Anderson.
She said Mike Bosma’s petition includes 1,347 signatures. He voted to not renew Coon’s contract.
A minimum of 1,165 signatures on each petition was necessary to be considered valid.

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