Out and About – Week of September 7th

The month of August doesn’t have any real significance, other than being the last real month of summer and usually the hottest month of the year. The month doesn’t have any holidays in it, yet it usually provides the last chance to get away for a brief vacation with the family before school starts.
August is, however, the time when high school classmates often get together for a class reunion. As for me, the past two years are perfect examples. Last year, my wife and I attended her class reunion. I won’t say how many years have passed, but just say that the reunion was a lot of fun for both of us.
Last month we attended a reunion commemorating the passing of forty years since the graduation of the Three Rivers High School class of 1975. Ten years ago, we attended their thirtieth anniversary. We were invited because my wife was their class advisor and they like her. Her presence was acknowledged, and she received a nice plant, complete with musical symbols, which she will treasure forever.
The class of 1975 had a little over 200 graduates. Over half of them were in attendance. There were only 12 classmates unaccounted for. Even Google couldn’t find them. The evening wouldn’t have been possible without the help of a team of volunteers who worked together to make the evening a huge success. Kudos to those who gave up their time and worked so hard.
Things changed considerably between 1962, when I graduated, and 1975. For example, long hair for the guys didn’t happen until 1963, when the Beatles came on the scene. There were two guys at the reunion with long hair. Most of the men that evening had grey hair or no hair at all.
The thing that impressed me the most was the energy displayed during the dancing. I didn’t see anyone Jitterbugging, but I did see a lot of jumping up and down. I don’t think anyone enjoys dancing slow anymore. Maybe the class of 1975 is still too young to enjoy that style.
The reason I’ve used the column this week to share my experience at a class reunion is that I wonder if the students of today will have class reunions in the future. I don’t think students bond as they did back in the day. The class of 1962 still gets together once a year. It’s not a big deal, but rather a time when we all take a dish to pass and spend the evening enjoying the art of conversation. In a recent visit to a local eatery, I noticed a group of about twenty classmates from a class from the late 1940s. They were having a grand time talking, because I doubt there were too many who had the energy to jump up and down as they danced. I’m sure, however, there was a time when they could “cut a rug” with the best of them.
I want to thank the Three Rivers High School class of 1975 for inviting my wife and me to join you in your celebration. It was an evening we won’t soon forget. Whether you graduated in 1962 or 1975, the one thing I feel was present was “Wildcat Fever”.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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