Out and About – Week of October 19th

There isn’t a lot said about loyalty anymore, at least in a positive way. I have several friends who have been let go by their employers, not because they were not good employees or had done something really bad, but because the company was downsizing, or at least that was the reason that was given to them. The sad thing about this is that it didn’t take the company long to hire someone new to fill the vacated position. It is not surprising to know that the person hired was done so at a lower rate of pay. This practice has been going on for quite some time, and it’s happening all over the nation.
I’ve been very fortunate in my lifetime. I’ve had some fantastic employers who have treated me fairly. I was fired once, but that was for a good reason. Whenever I left an employer, I did so on good terms. I always gave plenty of notice, because I didn’t want to burn any bridges behind me. I was asked to return to work for previous employers more than just a couple of times.
There’s a “work phrase” in existence now, whereby an employer can let you go for no apparent reason. I’m not sure how this law or regulation came into effect, but there’s not much that can be done about it. My advice would be to do the best job possible, stay on good terms with your supervisor, and be positive in your attitude toward your job and your employer. There’s no room for negativity in the workplace. As hard as it might seem, be loyal to your employer even if your employer is not very loyal to you. You are the one who needs the job.
Here are some hints worth remembering when it comes to life and your job:
Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
Pay off your credit cards every month.
Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
One of the fun things to do when traveling in northern Michigan is dining out at the quaint eateries where the “locals” eat. By northern Michigan, I’m referring to those communities north and east of Cadillac. I’m talking about those restaurants where everyone greets you as you walk in the door. If you’re a stranger, they look at you a little funny at first, and then they welcome you with a “Howdy” or a warm “Good Morning”.
We have several of those places right here in Three Rivers. I won’t name them, because that wouldn’t be fair to the ones I didn’t mention. Restaurants are usually the first businesses that give tourists that first impression. I have an office above a popular coffee shop here in town. The customers are mostly local residents, but every so often, a tourist will stop in for a cup of coffee and will comment on how friendly everyone seems to be. There’s a lot to be said about living in a community like Three Rivers. Being friendly just comes naturally.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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