Out and About – Week of October 26th

We are now well into the last quarter of 2015. Two months from today, Christmas 2015 will be in the history books. The last quarter of each year is usually the busiest, partially due to the upcoming holidays.
Looking first at the current month of October, you’ll notice that Halloween is this Saturday. That one special day when we all are kids, whether we actually are under the age of twelve, or we live that age through the eyes of our children and grandchildren. Halloween costumes have changed over the years, but the spirit remains the same. Let’s all have some harmless fun, while consuming way too much sugar. Better yet, let’s load up the grandchildren with sugar, and then send them home with their parents. Paybacks can be a blessing sometimes.
In November, we celebrate Thanksgiving. That time of the year when we reflect on our many blessings, the highest of which should be our health, family, and friends. It should also be a time when we pay particular attention to those who are in need. A time to share some of what we have more than we need. I’ve often thought that it would be great if we lived every day with the spirit of Thanksgiving and care more for each other. November is also that time of the year when we might expect that first measurable amount of snow. Whether you were ever a Boy Scout or not, we should always be prepared. That snow blower should be cleaned and prepped. It should be ready to start at a moment’s notice. Don’t forget to get that family vehicle ready also. If you don’t care properly for it, it could very easily let you down.
December is your last chance to put those New Year’s resolutions into action. It’s also a time to start getting your family’s receipts in order, so that you’re ready to meet the tax-man. Probably the highlight of December would be the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or another religious holiday, it’s definitely a time to reflect on your beliefs and do so with loved ones.
The last quarter of the year is when the population of Michigan decreases quite significantly. There are some Michiganders who, beginning in October, start making their plans to head south or southwest. They show no guilt in abandoning the rest of us, only to be content to suffer the winter months in an area where the temperatures range from 85 degrees in the day-time to 50 or 60 degrees at night. This wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t constantly remind us of the fact that they had to put on a jacket last evening, because the temperature dropped below 60 degrees.
We have friends who choose to spend the winter months in the Sunshine State. Fred’s excuse for heading south is that he’s allergic to snow. Bill’s excuse is that his wife forces him to go. Alice’s excuse is that someone has to attend the Tigers’ spring training and report on their progress, as far as becoming contenders. Personally, I feel they head south because they can.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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