Out and About – Week of January 25th

I was extremely lucky to have a very good assignment when I served in Vietnam in 1966. It was the one conflict when those who served their country were not welcomed home with the kudos they deserved. Since that time, our veterans have been shown the respect and the thanks that those who put their lives on the line deserve so much. I can’t meet a military veteran without offering my hand in gratitude and words of thanks for his/her service. Whenever I cross paths with another Vietnam veteran, I greet them with, “Thank you for your service and welcome home.” It’s usually an emotional experience, even after fifty years.

There’s a big-box store here in Three Rivers that offers special up-close parking to veterans. I thank them for that. A week ago, as I was driving west through Jones, I stopped for fuel. A cup of coffee sounded good, so I took advantage of the stop and attempted to buy two cups of “Go Juice”. When I attempted to pay for the coffee, the clerk asked me if I was a veteran. After confirming that fact to her, she replied, “The coffee is on us. Thank you for your service.” Those words of gratitude changed my attitude. It’s amazing how expressing gratitude or a few words of thanks can make a difference in one’s day. I’m going to try to be more grateful and thankful to those I deal with on a daily basis. Anyone care to join me?

It’s no secret how I feel about the use of cell phones. I’m as guilty as anyone can be when it comes to being dependent on that little device hanging from my belt. Perhaps we should be aware of the fact that the cell phone has already replaced your camera, your calendar, and your alarm clock. Let’s make sure we don’t allow it to replace our family.

A week from Thursday, the Three Rivers High School cafeteria and lobby will be busy with the annual “Empty Bowls” sale and supper. That’s Thursday, February 4, from 5 to 7 PM. Not only can you and the family enjoy a hot soup dinner, but you’ll also have the opportunity to peruse the many hand-made soup bowls on display for purchase, and there will be a raffle and auction. The cost is only a suggested donation of $5 per person, which will benefit the Three Rivers Food Site. You’ll have to look hard to find a deal like this, which also benefits a great cause. It’s also a perfect opportunity to witness first-hand the talents of our local students.

I’ve been as guilty as anyone for opening my mouth before engaging my brain. More often than not, this happens when I’m involved in a heavy discussion with my wife. A wise man once said, “A smart person knows what to say, a wise person knows whether or not to say it.” Every day is filled with many challenges. No wonder I’m worn out by sunset.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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