Miller authors recycled nuclear waste legislation

A Cassopolis man this week testified before the House Committee on Energy Policy in support of legislation authored by state Rep. Aaron Miller, urging Congress to allow spent nuclear waste to be recycled.
Taras Lyssenko, general manager of A & T Recovery in Cassopolis, told the committee that the process to recycle and reuse spent nuclear fuel is available, and supports Miller’s House Resolution 220, urging Congress to establish facilities to reprocess spent nuclear waste.
Lyssenko said reprocessing is at a point where the final waste remaining would be a fraction compared to current methods.
Miller said the bill also minimizes the risk that some of the 72,000 metric tons of nuclear waste stored at temporary and vulnerable sites could be stolen by nations or factions to make weapons.
Miller’s resolution, as well as Senate Concurrent Resolutions 6 and 8 dealing with establishment of a national nuclear waste repository, were approved by the committee.

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