Evilsizor continues battle for road funding

Florence Township Supervisor Gordon Evilsizor has stepped up his crusade in support of funding to improve the condition of Constantine Road.
Evilsizor last week purchased four campaign signs and placed them at various points along the north-south route. The signs read: “Sorry! County commissioners feel it’s a bad investment to fix this rough road with your tax dollars.”
He said the $75 cost, which he paid out of his own pocket, was money well spent.
Evilsizor over the past year has regularly attended county commission meetings to criticize the five-member panel for ignoring the needs of Constantine Road, specifically a 6.6-mile stretch from the White Pigeon village limits north to the Lockport Township line.
He said he is not optimistic a 2.5-mill increase request being sought by the road commission next month will pass.

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