Kalamazoo police officers help mom, baby stranded in heat

Two Kalamazoo Public Safety officers have helped a motorist and her 2-month-old baby successfully get back on the road after being stranded in the heat.

Carmen Higbee tells MLive that she was driving home from a local farmers market Saturday when she pulled into a gas station to fill up her near-empty tank. But the gas station was out of gas, and her tank hit empty before she was able reach the next one.

Higbee called the police department, and officer Larison Suglik responded to the scene. Suglik said there weren’t any businesses nearby. The temperature in the area reached the 90s on Saturday.

Suglik had Higbee and her daughter, Myla, sit in her air-conditioned patrol car while officer Ondreya Townsend brought a 1-gallon gas can for Higbee’s tank.  (AP)

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