Out and About – Week of August 1st

This week’s column is a continuation of last week’s, so back to the campsite.
Thursday, July 21, had a weather forecast of being extremely hot, with a chance of severe thunderstorms. I’m pretty sure that Mother Nature was at one time was a member of the military’s Delta Force. Delta Force has said, “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Early Thursday afternoon, Ma Nature found us and unleashed high winds and a torrential downpour. Before I had a chance to retract our awning, she had whipped the thing around and turned it into a main sail that would have moved a schooner at a speed of at least 40 knots. With the help of a fellow camper, I was able to get the arms of the awning positioned so that we only sustained minimal damage. My wife helped me get the awning repositioned after the storm had moved on. Dixie, our cat, slept through the whole ordeal. Speaking of Dixie, I mentioned a couple weeks ago, that our cat Dixie was preparing to cross the Rainbow Bridge. In reading this, I’m sure you’ve come to the conclusion that she is still with us. She’s never been much help, but she is a very important part of our family.
Back to our camping experience. Much like our everyday life at home, the week away passed quickly, but at a much more enjoyable and relaxed pace. Our final campfire was Friday evening, and it was as nice as the previous five evenings. With the heat and humidity of the week, we didn’t need the fire’s heat, but we sure did enjoy the beauty of the flames.
Because of being out of town, I was unable to visit Health TRAC during the week. To make up for the usual sweat down I receive in the sauna, I decided to wait until the heat of the day to break camp, hook the trailer to the motorhome, and finally load the car onto the trailer. I was successful at this attempt. My wife did the best she could as far as guiding me onto the trailer, but we discovered that we both need a few more tries before we’ll be able to accomplish the task in under an hour.
Unlike a space shuttle returning to earth, returning home from a week of camping is not a big deal. However, it was great to pull into the driveway and notice that the house had not been damaged by any storm, and that the flowers had been properly watered and talked to. We have fantastic neighbors, who are always willing to help out whenever they can.
I hope that these last two columns haven’t bored any seasoned campers. I also hope that those of you who always spend your vacations at home might consider getting Out and About more often. Michigan has so much to offer when it comes to things to see and do as a family. Camping is one way in which we are forced to appreciate some of the comforts of home. Brushing your teeth with a limited amount of available water is one example. It’s also a great way to get to know your family a little better.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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