Several uncontested races across county

Four St. Joseph County officials and three county commissioners are running uncontested in today’s primary election.
Sheriff Brad Balk, 63, is completing his second four-year term. He has said this will likely be his final run for the office. Balk lives in Centreville.
The post currently pays $79,000 a year.
Prosecutor John McDonough, 36, is also completing his eighth year in office after upsetting incumbent Doug Fisher in 2008. McDonough is a Three Rivers resident.
McDonough’s annual salary is $102,000.
Jeff Wenzel, 56, has served as drain commissioner for a pair of four-year terms after he, too, defeated an incumbent, David Hassenger, eight years ago. Wenzel lives on Lake Templene in Sherman Township.
Wenzel’s salary is $58,000 a year.
Surveyor David Mostrom, 55, is completing his first, four-year term after his father, Wayne, decided to not seek re-election in 2012. Mostrom also lives in Sherman Township.
There is no salary to go with the position.

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