Out and About – Week of September 5th

I try my best to remind everyone about holidays and trash pickup days. I should have mentioned this last week, but I ran out of column space, so here is that information a week late. Monday was Labor Day, a holiday for just about everyone. Your trash removal person had the day off, but will be working this next Saturday. So everyone’s trash will be picked up a day later than normal. Enough trash talk.
I received some feedback on my column dealing with “Handicap Parking”. One was a card and the other was a phone call. They both pretty much said the same thing. Both individuals have, or know someone who has, a handicap license plate on their vehicle. The drivers are not handicapped, but there are times when they transport someone who is physically challenged. If that individual is not with them, they don’t use a handicap parking space. Makes sense to me and I thank the two of you for enlightening me.
Back in the day, prior to my leaving home and leaving my parents with an empty nest, our family would dine out on occasion. Dining out was a real treat back then, because most families ate their meals together at home. Of course, the availability of fast-food wasn’t there. Anyway, as a youngster, I was taught to not select the most expensive item on the menu. I was told to choose what I liked and to eat all of what I chose. As I watch families eating out together now, I wonder what kind of rules are set by the parents when it comes to selecting from the menu. In other words, I wonder if children these days appreciate the experience of eating out as a family and the cost it involves. Even today, if someone is paying for my meal, I make sure that I don’t order the most expensive item on the menu. A price the same as your host’s or less is a good idea, in my mind.
Here’s my final installment of facts on our great state of Michigan:
Michigan was the first state to provide in its Constitution for the establishment of public libraries.
Michigan was the first state to guarantee every child the right to tax-paid high school education.
Four flags have flown over Michigan. They include the French, English, Spanish, and, of course, the United States flag.
The Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit manufactured the first air-conditioned car in 1939.
Now that school is back in session, please be on alert for children in and around school zones. Remind yourself about the meaning of the different colored lights on school buses. In school zones, slow down and watch for children, because law enforcement is watching out for you.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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