Out and About – Week of February 20th

Since my retirement, I’ve found myself busier than I was when I was punching a timeclock. This is common among many retirees. I’d like to think of myself as a professional volunteer, but that could be looked at as an oxymoron, because professionals get paid for their time, and the only pay a volunteer normally gets is a warm feeling in their heart. Those of you who don’t volunteer very much don’t know what you’re missing.
Volunteering doesn’t come without a price, especially for employers who have volunteers working for them and, on occasion, ask to be excused from work to volunteer. Volunteer firefighters are the first that come to mind. When the call goes out, these volunteers leave the workplace and answer that call.
The American Legion Honor Team is also made up of volunteers. These veterans are the ones who offer the final honors to other veterans whose life has come to an end. Some of these veterans are still employed and must take time off from work to volunteer for this honor.
I’d like to thank those employers who allow these volunteers, whether they are firefighters or veterans, to do what they can, when they can. Thanks to these understanding employers, your employees are better at what they do and I’m sure are more loyal to you. I can’t list all of these employers, but I’d like to publicly thank those of which I’m aware. They include Armstrong International, Kadant-Johnson Corporation, Fluid Power and Conrad Air Services. Your interest is greatly appreciated and I thank you.
Yesterday was President’s Day. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was February 12 and George Washington’s birthday is tomorrow. It’s a little late to send them a card, so the least we could do is just send a thought their way. Oops! My “older” sister celebrated a birthday yesterday also. I think that’s why the banks were closed.
I usually call close friends and family members on their birthday. This really means a lot, especially if you call them around 5 AM. It’s better than a card and more difficult to forget.
Best wishes to TRFD Captain Bob Van Zalen, who retires at the end of this month. The department will miss him but will continue in a positive manner, thanks to his contributions and dedication to service. Firefighters are a different breed, and the camaraderie that exists cannot be matched. I wish him the best of luck in his retirement. You never tell a firefighter to have a quiet day. Telling them to be safe is all that’s needed. Be safe, my friend!
It has been said that music is an international language, and it’s difficult to find anyone who doesn’t appreciate at least one form of it. Whether it’s jazz, rhythm and blues, hip-hop, country, classic, or pop, everyone has some type they can relate to. On Sunday, February 12, the Grammys occupied the primetime slot on CBS. It was an evening of awards, political statements, music, and even some outlandish formalwear. Adele walked away with most of the awards, including “Best Song” and “Best Album” of the year. I was very impressed with Adele. She was tastefully dressed and was very humble when accepting her awards. She acknowledged Beyonce more than once, whom she stated deserved the awards more than she. Proof, more than ever, that you don’t have to be petite and don’t need to show off certain body parts to be successful. You need talent and the desire to do the best you can. During a tribute to George Michael, she asked the band to start over, because she was not on key, or in time with the music. Proof that even the best performers have a hiccup now and then. Wouldn’t it be great if we had more singing and less grumbling in the world?
Here’s something you might not have known: A dime has 118 ridges around its edge.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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