Out and About – Week of June 12th

I could never be a teacher. Besides the fact that one needs more than a Bachelor’s Degree, a teacher must also have the patience of a saint. Teachers are among those professionals who should be addressed as Mister, Mrs., or Miss, and this would be difficult for me. Whenever someone refers to me as Mr. Stutesman, I start looking around for my father. I’m much more comfortable being called just Norm. My mother used to call me Norman. I don’t recall anyone named Norman as being cool, except from Norm in the sitcom “Cheers”, and I don’t think anyone ever referred to him as Norman. I won’t even go into Norman Bates from Psycho. Norman Rockwell was okay. I still admire his artistry. If I would have had any say when it came to naming me, I would have preferred Chuck or Jack. Butch is okay, too. My sister would push me around in my baby buggy and would tell everyone that my name was Butch. Evidently, she didn’t think Norman suited me, either. Thanks, Sis.
This week is Water Festival. I’ve been told that the Water Festival Committee has put a bounty out on anyone caught doing a rain dance. The weather does look promising, so the Thursday evening parade should go off without a hitch. The parade officially opens the festival, and it draws spectators from not only St. Joe County, but from as far away as Indiana and mid-Michigan. If you’ve never attended Water Festival, you’ll not want to let another year go by. The festival runs from Thursday, June 15 through Saturday, June 17. Saturday evening, the festival wraps up with one of the best firework displays you’ll find in all of Michigan. This is a family event, so make sure to take the family out and be entertained. If you should see a Water Festival committee member, thank them for taking the time to volunteer, so that you and your family could enjoy the many events that make up Water Festival.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 14, is Flag Day. The American Legion Post 170, here in Three Rivers, will host a special ceremony at 5 PM, at the post on South Main Street. During the ceremony, flags that have served their purpose and are worn will be properly destroyed. The public is cordially invited to attend this ceremony. Elks Lodge 1203 will also have an important part in the ceremony.
We are quickly approaching that time of the year I dread the most. I’m pretty sure that on Thursday, June 22, the days will start getting shorter by a minute or two. I think we all enjoy having the daylight until around 9 PM, but, like all good things, this, too, must end. I’m going to try to think positively about this by remembering that we still have at least four very nice months ahead of us, so I’ll do my best to enjoy every minute of it.
I’m an addict. I’m addicted to food, reruns of “M*A*S*H”, and hugging. We are all addicted to something. Maybe it’s coffee, or something else you just can’t do without. Some addictions are unhealthy, and some are okay. How many of you can enjoy a meal, or walk down the street without your fingers dancing across your cell phone keyboard? If you are not capable of enjoying a meal without having your cell phone in your hand, I’m afraid you’re addicted. If you’re in the habit of always taking “selfies” with your cell phone, you’re addicted. I’m not saying that being addicted to your cell phone is bad, but if you are constantly on your cell phone checking e-mails or tweeting, while in the copy of another human, it’s just plain rude. My grandparents didn’t have cell phones. Boy, did they ever miss out on life experiences.
All fifty states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
If you would like to be amazed, think about this. If the population of China walked past you, in single file, the line would never end, because of the rate of reproduction.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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