Out and About – Week of June 19th

Water Festival 2017 is now in the history books. My participation in this event was limited, so I have no idea how successful the vendors in Scidmore Park were, or how many attended the classic car show on Main Street, Saturday morning. I do know that the parade was as entertaining as ever and that the Three Rivers Lions Club did quite well with their ox roast. I helped with this year’s Turtle Derby, and it just seems to get better every year. Just about every child who participated in the derby won some sort of prize. A special thanks to those merchants who stepped forward and sponsored a lane for the derby.
I was part of the Thursday evening parade. The St. Joseph County Marine Corps League Detachment provided the color guard which lead the eighty-entry parade. Being part of the color guard means that you don’t really have the opportunity to see the entire parade. The advantage of being a part of the guard is that you receive applause throughout the entire parade route. The applause is for the American, Marine Corps, and the POW/MIA flags. There are still a few people who are not aware of the courtesy of standing as the colors pass by.
With Water Festival now history, I feel just a little sad. Oh, it’s nice to have everything back to normal, but while in my office on Father’s Day, I couldn’t help but notice that most of the carnival midway had packed up and moved on to their next venue. Once again, Schmidt Amusement gave us a fantastic opportunity to ride some wild rides. I’d rather just sit back and watch those thrill seekers.
We are now officially into the summer season, although I must admit that I’ve forgotten what day is actually the first day of summer. I’m aware that starting this Thursday, June 22, the days start getting shorter, but only by a minute or two each day. It won’t be long until it will be dark by 6 PM.
I mentioned some interesting facts about watermelon several weeks ago. I have yet to enjoy my first big slice of the chilled fruit, or is it a vegetable? Like bananas, watermelon is a reliable source of potassium, which means it will help you maintain normal blood pressure, while at the same time helping muscles and nerves function properly.
I just happened to think. I wonder if monkeys might enjoy watermelon. Watermelon and bananas both contain potassium.
With the warm summer months now upon us, the thought of cooking and grilling outside becomes more prevalent. This is the time when a good chopping or cutting service is handy to have. When using a grill on the patio, the availability of counter space is minimal, so when grilling outside, a chopping block can come in very handy. Research shows that wood is a better chopping surface than plastic in inhibiting bacteria growth. Bacteria don’t incubate on wooden boards, while they do grow rapidly on plastic boards, especially at room temperature.
After using a wooden cutting board, it’s important to properly clean it prior to putting it away for next time. To remove odors and dirt from the board, simply make a paste of baking soda and water, rub it into the board, then rinse, and allow it to dry. Additionally, to clean a butcher block, let it sit for several hours or overnight coated with coarse salt. This will absorb any fats and oils on the board. When you brush off the salt, the oils and fats are discarded with the crystals.
I’ve listed the locations where you may drop off used eyeglasses several times, but I feel that it does need to be mentioned again. Used eyeglasses are collected by the Three Rivers Lions Club and recycled for distribution to those in need throughout the world.
These merchants have boxes at their location for used eyeglasses: Meijer Vision Center; August Optical; Sussex Vision; the Special Clinic on TR Health’s campus, Lowry’s Books, LA’s Coffee Cafe; Three Rivers Library; and the US Post Office in Three Rivers.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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