Out and About – Week of June 5th

I’ve never been much of a boss. While working for a freight forwarder near O’Hare Airport in Chicago, I vied for a position as warehouse foreman. I was told that I didn’t get the position because I wasn’t a hard-nose slave driver. They used another term, but I’ll refrain from using that name here.
I’ve overseen individuals working toward a common goal, and most of the time, I have been happy with the results. I prefer to “ask” someone to do something, rather than “tell” them. I’ve found you get better results this way, and people tend to like you more. Being liked is very important to me. Knowing that your subordinates respect you is equally important.
I’ve spent the last fifteen years learning how to lead others. I’ve done an okay job, but I prefer to work alongside someone rather than manage the task at hand. I think it would be great if all the bosses would show a bit more respect for those working for them. Expressing words of appreciation for a job well done doesn’t hurt, either. It doesn’t take too much effort to make a day at work more fun, while at the same time making it productive. I’ve seen too many individuals give only negative criticism and forget to say anything positive when things go according to plan.
We’re well into season of graduation parties. Graduating from high school is probably the highlight of every teenager. For some, their formal schooling is over. For others, this summer is but another summer break. In the fall, they will be moving on to higher education. Let’s talk for a moment on that special graduation party that happens only once. It’s a time to recognize the fact that your son or daughter has graduated, knows everything, and is ready to go out and conquer the world, knowing that you will always be there to catch them if they should fail.
In planning your child’s graduation party, plan it a day or two after graduation. That way there’s a better chance that your child’s friends can attend. Everyone is busy with their own family on graduation day, but a later-day party gets the crowd back together and helps everyone cool down a bit.
When trying to come up with a decent graduation gift, you might want to consider the fact that money always talks to a graduate, whether its graduation from high school or college. It’s probably the very thing they need the most.
Graduation gifts are not just for the graduate. Each guest should receive some token to keep as a memory. Pens, key chains, or some other small gift item to give to your graduate’s friends will serve perfectly as a graduation memento. For a small fee, your gift supplier could even customize the tokens with the name of the graduate’s high school or college, plus the year of graduation. You’ll want to start early on the token gifts, because they might take additional time to arrive from the supplier.
Along with graduation, this is also the season for weddings. A lot of couples make plans for tying the knot by registering themselves at a major store. This way the task of selecting that perfect wedding gift is much easier. You can only use so many toasters, so here’s an idea you might want to try. Present the couple with a laundry basket filled with paper towels, toilet paper, and other items that might not be pretty, but are very practical and are used every day.
Speaking of weddings, it’s getting more difficult to see wedding guests dressing properly for the occasion. Perhaps I’m old fashioned, but there are a lot of younger people out there who attend special events wearing clothes that could be worn while working outside in the garden. People just don’t dress up anymore. I guess that’s progress.
If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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