Out and About – Week of September 11th

This is the best time of the year to live in Michigan. The days of heat and humidity are behind us and the days of icy roads and freezing temperatures are still a month or two away. This is the season of multiple colors in the foliage and pleasant scents of fall in the air. I long for the days when we could burn piles of leaves that we had raked. Maybe even roast a few marshmallows over the fire.

During this change of seasons, many will take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy a bike ride around the Three Rivers area. We are blessed with several bike trails that can lead you along one of the three rivers that give this area its name. You may also just take a ride through a neighborhood of your choice. The streets and avenues are not that congested, so biking with the entire family is not that difficult. Please remember that, as a bicyclist, you must obey all traffic laws that pertain to vehicles using the streets. Just the other day I noticed a bicyclist completely ignore a stop sign. He was lucky that other motorists were aware of his presence. Remember, bicycles are not to be ridden on the sidewalk in the downtown area. Hitting a pedestrian coming out of a downtown store or restaurant is not the way to get your name in the paper. Wearing a safety helmet is not a law, it’s just common sense.

Next week is the St. Joseph County Grange Fair. Centreville will be a hub of activity. Many residents who live a block or two from the fairgrounds will offer their yards for parking. The farther away from the fair entrance, the less you’ll pay to park. The farther away you park, the less time you’ll need to spend at a gym working out. The farther away you park, the more you’ll be able to eat at the fair and do so without a feeling of guilt. There are usually several courtesy carts circulating around the grounds, so if you’d like to take a break from walking, just flag one of them down. The ride is FREE and the drivers are more than happy to direct you to the many attractions.

The Three Rivers German Band entertained everyone at the Lions Club Ox Roast this past June during Water Festival. If you missed their performance and enjoy music, you have an opportunity to attend their next performance. The venue is the Carnegie Center for the Arts, 107 North Main Street, at the north end of the Three Rivers business district. Saturday, September 16 is the date. The entertainment begins at 7:30 PM. I understand the band is always looking for new members. You don’t have to be German to join. You just need to have a love of music.

The one thing we all have in common is that we all get older every day. Here are ten things you might regret when you get old:

Not traveling while you’re young.
Staying in a troubled relationship.
Caring too much about what others think of you.
Being afraid to say, “I love you.”
Working too much.
Not playing with your kids enough.
Not spending enough time with your parents.
Never taking a substantial risk.
Not quitting a terrible job.
Not realizing how beautiful you are.
These are all things you can change. I’d advise you to not wait too long.

It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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