Solar company holds open house

Monday’s four-hour open house related to the proposed solar-panel farm in Mendon Township drew more than 100 people and marked Geronimo Energy’s first public presentation related to the issue.

A team of six representatives from the suburban Minneapolis company was on hand to discuss all aspects of the concept, including development, permitting, construction, project management and marketing.

Geronimo Energy’s proposed White Pine Solar Project is slated for an area north of Prairie Corners Road, on both sides of Bucknell Road. Geronimo has purchased the property from Lyle Schmidt in hopes of developing a 20-megawatt project that officials said will generate more than $6 million in local tax revenue over a 25-year period.

Geronimo officials said the property was selected based on key criteria that included proximity to local infrastructure, existing overhead lines, site topography and a landowner willing to sell.

Doug Kuhlman, Mendon Township zoning administrator, said whether the proposal comes to fruition will be up to Mendon Township Planning Commission and Mendon Township’s board of trustees.

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