Three Rivers looks forward to sports complex

The city of Three Rivers has issued a media release related to the proposed multi-field sports complex.

Issued Friday, the release states that the city, mayor and city commission members have made clear they would rather not issue bonds to pay for construction of the fields.

If issued, however, bonds will serve only as a loan and no city taxes will be increased because of the bonds. The fields will be paid for by private donations from the community, revenues already collected by the city, and a $2.8 million county-issued grant.

A judge has ruled in favor of the city and said that the county is contractually obligated to pay Three Rivers the $2.8 million for the project.

Any bonds issued will be paid back with that grant money.

The release concludes that the city looks forward to seeing the project through to its completion.

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One comment

  1. A) I think by now everyone knows that the grant money will not cover everything.
    B) Nothing like creating an adversarial relationship with the township
    C) If Tom and company are so convinced that everyone wants this then put it up for a vote. Don’t just make things up (yes- that’s exactly what you did Tom).
    D) Take a look at the other grant money improvements
    1) Expanded pasture for zoo but took all the animals away and new ponds are no longer functional due to neglect.
    2) River walks that are slowly crumbling
    E) Having to rely on citizen groups to maintain these items. The sports complex will certainly not be self supporting meaning either more tax money to maintain, rely on others to maintain or just let it rot.

    Three Rivers has enough problems without sinking good money after bad. Where’s Larry Nichols when you need him.

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