Out and About – Week of July 9th

July and August have the reputation of being the two hottest months of the year. Normal heat isn’t too bad, but when you throw in the heat index, the atmosphere becomes extremely uncomfortable. However, this is Michigan, so we must learn to deal with the heat and humidity.

Most of us have come to rely heavily on air conditioning. Just about every car comes with air conditioning almost as standard equipment. If you are not lucky enough to enjoy the luxury of air conditioning, here are several ways to stay comfortable:

Visit public places that have air conditioning such as libraries, movie theaters, or stores.
At home, take a cool shower to beat the heat.
Be sure to drink plenty of water, even if you’re not thirsty. It’s very important to stay hydrated. Try to avoid alcoholic beverages or pop. They won’t quench your thirst.
Avoid hearty meals. Hearty meals cause your metabolism to speed up. Salads and other light dishes are better for you, especially during the heat of the day.
Here’s something I just learned. It sounds a bit weird, but is worth a try. This doesn’t pertain just to the hot dog-days of summer. If your fingers are sensitive to heat, such as a light bulb or a piece of toast, grab your earlobe. The lobe is an excellent heat conductor, because its many blood vessels lie close to the surface, therefore it draws the heat from your fingers immediately. I’m not suggesting that you touch a hot burner to test this theory.

A bad habit that I have is sitting in front of the television surfing the channels for anything that might be the least bit interesting. We are in the season of reruns, so it’s difficult to find anything new on the idiot box. I should turn off the TV and catch up on some of the reading that I have piling up. I receive several magazines monthly, but never make the time to read them. I should follow my doctor’s advice and get up off the couch, go outside, and participate in some type of physical activity. I don’t care to sweat, so I must be very selective when it comes to doing anything physical. I have yet to lose any weight working crossword puzzles.

I love to spread the word on FREE stuff. This is the season for parades and festivals. Last week, several communities had fireworks on the Fourth of July, and of course there were parades throughout St. Joseph County. White Pigeon had their Sidewalk Days, complete with a parade last Friday. Old news doesn’t do us any good, but I do have some good news to make up for that. This Saturday, July 14, Centreville will celebrate their annual Covered Bridge Days. If you enjoy pancakes, everyone is welcome to fill their tummies Saturday morning next to the County Courthouse. You will then have time to peruse the many craft displays in the same area before the lineup for the parade at 3:15 PM. There’s so much to do locally here in St. Joe County for the entire family and most of the fun is FREE.

There is always a need for local blood donors. Trinity Missionary Church, 64890 Business US-131 in Constantine, will host the next American Red Cross blood drive tomorrow, July 11, from noon until 5:45 PM. Giving blood is a very rewarding experience that you’ll never truly appreciate until you or a loved one is in need of fresh blood. Stop by and let someone poke fun at you. You’ll be rewarded with some fruit juice and maybe a cookie or two.

If an optimist fell from a ten story building, would he yell out to his friends, “All right so far”, as he passed each floor?

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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