Public boat docks in Colon – Discussion continues

Colon’s interim village manager gave an ultimatum Tuesday to the seven-member village council.

Tom Tenney said he would give up the post if the council decided to let someone else develop an ordinance regarding docks in public areas.

The issue that sparked Tenney’s comment centers on an offer from a group of local residents and business owners who have agreed to finance, install and winterize public docks at Veteran Memorial Park on Swan Street.

Supporters of the concept said the docks would give boaters on Palmer Lake a place to park their watercraft and walk uptown for a bite to eat or patronize other businesses.

The initial plan calls for a total of seven boat slips.

The proposal has hit a snag, however, as the village’s current ordinance would need to be revised in order to allow the docks.

During the council’s June meeting, Tenney said he would work on the amendment, though he warned it would be a time-consuming process involving legal review, a public hearing, advertising the matter in a local newspaper and other procedures, per protocol.

After a fair amount of discussion Tuesday, village president Edith Doenges said the consensus of the board is to let Tenney continue his research and report back to the council when appropriate.

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