Centreville softball recognized by Lions

The latest acknowledgment for the state-champion Centreville High School softball squad was bestowed by the Centreville Lions Club during its monthly meeting last week.

Lion Al Murk and his wife, Trudy, were responsible for organizing Wednesday’s affair and providing all the food served to the group of about 100 people. Afterward, the players and their parents were treated to a pair of surprises:  the unveiling of a poster featuring the team on the field at Michigan State University after its championship-winning game, followed by the display of life-size posters of the team’s 14 players and two coaches.

The posters were a gift, compliments of the Centreville Lions Club. The players were invited to keep their individual posters but the 9-by-7-foot team picture will likely be kept at the high school

Member Pattie Bender said during a post-dinner speech that the Centreville Downtown Development Authority has purchased signs announcing the village is home of the 2018 state-champion softball team. They will be placed at the east and west ends of the municipality.

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