Out and About – Week of August 13th

This time next month, college students should be settled in their living quarters. If your son or daughter is returning to college for their second year, the problems that existed a year ago should be forgotten. They will be familiar with the campus and dorm life, so the stress level should be lower and easier to deal with. What I’d like to focus on are those students leaving home for the first time and dealing with the “Real World”.

I’m sure there aren’t many young adults reading this, so you might want to share this with a grandchild, nephew or niece leaving home for the first time.

It might be difficult to imagine, but there aren’t many older teens who know everything. Please share these observations with anyone who will listen:

Mommy will not be checking to make sure you keep your room neat and clean.
Mom and Dad will not care what time you go to bed at night, and they will not be there to make sure you get out of bed in time for that early-morning class.
Mom and Dad will not nag you about getting your homework done and turned in.
Mom will not do your laundry while you’re away, but will be happy to help you every time you bring home five bags of dirty clothes.
Mom and Dad will not care who you choose to have as friends. They will hope that they have done the best they could when teaching you responsibility.
Whether you believe it or not, your parents are probably your biggest supporters. They will be there for you every time you trip and fall. They will always be as close as a phone call away.
When you come home for a visit, try and set aside some time to spend with just family.
You are attending college to further your education. Concentrate on your studies, but remember to have fun at the same time.
To add some humor to a possibly hectic day, here are three more newspaper by-lines that might have appeared in a previous newspaper. Who says it’s not beneficial to watch late-night talk shows?

“Federal agents raid gun shop and find weapons.”
“Princess Diana was still alive hours before she died.”
“Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25.”
I’ll share more of these over the next couple of weeks.

A carpenter rarely goes anywhere without some form of measuring device, usually a tape measure or ruler. I have several tape measures, but I keep them in my tool box, so I rarely have them around when I need one the most. Here are several ways of measuring something without a ruler. These won’t work for everyone, but if you’re of average build, they might come in handy:

The distance from the joint of the thumb to its end is about one inch.
The distance from the tip of the thumb to the index finger with the fingers fanned out is about 6 inches.
The length of a stride is about 32”.
“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” ~ Bob Marley

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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