Out and About – Week of August 20th

School used to start the day after Labor Day, but as far as when the school bell rings this year will depend on where you live. School has already started in parts of Indiana and Illinois. No matter when school starts for your children, it’s not too late to shop for those back-to-school clothes and supplies.

The Stone House, located directly behind the First Presbyterian Church in Three Rivers, still has clothing for children plus plenty of other items that could fill your child’s backpack. The unique thing about the Stone House, or the Free Store as it is sometimes called, is that everything they have is FREE. All items at the Free Store are inspected. They will not take any items that are dirty or smell of smoke. The store is only open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 AM until 1 PM.

Labor Day is just a few weeks away. Every year thousands of people travel north to walk the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge. It’s a regular pilgrimage for many. If you’d like to save some gas money, you could stay right here in Three Rivers and participate in the Eighth Annual Three Rivers Bridge Walk. This annual event sponsored by the Three Rivers Womens Club includes four different trails to hike and a fantastic bake sale to peruse. Save your time and money and join your neighbors and cross the Rocky, Portage and St. Joe Rivers. As always, the ladies have gone above and beyond what might be expected to ensure that everyone has a memorable experience. The walk will run from 9 AM until noon. Registration will be held in Scidmore Park.

Three more mistakes that slipped by a newspaper editor’s pen:

“Homicide victims rarely talk to police.”
“Barbershop singers bring joy to school for deaf.”
“Bridges help people cross rivers.”
It’s difficult to be Out and About and not notice how much litter there is around us. Just glancing out my window, I see an empty bottle in the middle of the parking lot. Someone had to place it there. It didn’t just appear overnight. I’ve suggested several times in this column that if you are out for an evening stroll or out walking your dog, take along a small plastic trash bag. If you see some litter, pick it up and place it in your bag. I’d put money on the fact that after walking for just thirty minutes, your bag will be reasonably full. There used to be a hefty fine for littering, but I’m sure this is not strictly enforced. I’ve been tempted to remind those I see littering to cease, but I’m sure I’d be told to mind my own business. Enough complaining for now. Before I continue writing this column, I must go down and pick up that empty bottle. I’m sure that’s my business.

I consider myself to be a rather patient patron when dining out. I rarely send anything back to the kitchen, I’m understanding when the service is slow, and I feel that I’m more than fair when it comes to tipping. I recently discovered how much of a fool I am. This happened while dining out with friends recently. One of us received their entree about ten or fifteen minutes after the rest of us had been served. After waiting about five minutes for the final entree to arrive, the neglected one insisted that the rest of us start eating before our food got cold. We did so reluctantly. The waitress apologized for the delay and stated, “The table will receive complimentary dessert.” Upon receiving our checks, it was discovered that the only one who received a complimentary dessert was the guest who received his entree late. This guest complained to the manager about the lack in communication but to no avail. I’m sure that if the rest of us had complained loudly enough and caused a scene, this error would have been corrected in a more suitable way. It’s unfortunate that one must turn irate in order to receive the best of service. I consider this a lesson learned. I will try to be less patient when it comes to dealing with poor management. I definitely didn’t need that dessert anyway.

You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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