County fair a success

It won’t go down in history as the hottest ever, but the 2018 St. Joseph County Grange Fair can safely be called a success.

Estimates show about 141,000 people attended the fair over the course of its seven-day run, concluding Saturday. Fair manager Bill Johnson said that reflects an 8 percent increase from 2017, considered the hottest in the fair’s 168-year history.

Johnson said he can safely state the community is supportive of the fair and people will attend rain, shine or suffocating heat.

It didn’t hurt to offer new attractions, either. He said Sunday’s dirt drag racing was a success and featured participation from area residents. Big Time Wrestling was also new but didn’t draw the numbers fair officials had hoped.

Grandstand attractions Friday and Saturday nights were the strongest attendance-wise of the week, Johnson said.

Johnson said he looks forward to planning for the 169th St. Joseph County Grange Fair, slated for September 15-21.

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