Out and About – Week of September 17th

We are now well into the 2018 football season. This means that Sunday evening television programming will be slightly changed, as will Monday and Thursday evenings.

One of the things that bothers me about watching anything on television are the stupid commercials. It seems to me that there are more commercials during a football game than any other time. Sometime I’m going to keep track of the frequency of ads. Most of the ads are directed to those viewers with an IQ of about ten or fifteen. I’ve heard that if a professional football game were not televised, the length of the game would be shortened by about one hour. I guess they need the ads to help pay the salaries of some of the players. I also wonder how many players would play for half of their current salary. So much for playing for the love of the game. Perhaps players should get paid based on their performance. This would drive sports agents a bit crazy, I’m sure.

I recently had my annual eye exam. Being diabetic, it’s recommended to have your eyes checked annually. I highly recommend this. It is easier to correct a problem if it’s caught early. I feel the same way about seeing a dentist every six months. I’ve already out-lived my father and still have a few items left on my bucket list. Oh yes, I still have a few more columns to write.

In checking my calendar, I see that tomorrow is Yom Kippur. To my Jewish friends, I wish you the very best during this time of celebration. Shalom.

Next Sunday, September 23, marks the first day of autumn, the beginning of probably the most colorful of all the seasons. Michigan is the place to be during this time of the year. The New England states aren’t bad either. The trees changing color, enjoying a cup of hot apple cider, and raking of leaves all go together to make autumn a season of wonder. It’s also time to do preventive maintenance on the snow blower and get ready to run the lawn mower out of gas for the year. If you’re a golfer, you still have plenty of time to work on getting that hole-in-one.

I have no idea why chivalry is so important to me. Perhaps it’s the way I was raised. I honestly don’t think chivalry is that important to many people anymore. You have to look hard to find a gentleman opening a door for a lady or holding her chair as she sits down at a table in a restaurant. I’ve listed some things that I feel are chivalrous or just polite. These pertain mainly to a “Gentleman” dining out with his lady.

Hold her chair for her as she seats herself. If she wishes to remove her jacket, assist her.
Allow her to order first from the menu. A good server will see that this happens.
Remove your hat. This should have been done immediately upon entering the building.
Turn off your cell phone. If it’s important, they’ll call back or leave a message.
Ask her about her day and show interest in what’s important to her.
Never begin eating until she has taken her first bite.
If she gets up to visit the ladies room, stand and hold her chair. Stand again when she returns.
These are just a few suggestions. There are many ladies who don’t really care about these suggestions. They’re just not that important to them. It’s very nice to find that lady who appreciates being pampered.

Putting a small amount of 7-Up in a flower vase will preserve the flowers longer.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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