Out and About – Week of October 22nd

Dining out, especially for breakfast, continues to give me material for this column. I especially enjoy having breakfast at a small quaint cafe where they usually have regular diners who gather there every morning to discuss the world’s problems. Some of these eateries have unique little signs placed on the wall with hopes that the customers get a chuckle or two from reading them. Here are just a few words of wisdom that I’ve noticed adorning a couple of walls:

“You never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist’s office.”
“Children left unattended will be towed away at owner’s expense.”
“Children not kept under control will be given a free espresso and a cute puppy.”
Cell phones have changed everyone’s lives in one way or another. It’s great to have the convenience of being just a phone call away from that important person in your life; however, I think that most of us have become too attached to that little communication device. There are some of us who evidently feel that they are the only ones who own a cell phone. They are the ones who speak loud enough so as to draw attention to themselves as they close a big business deal. They are inconsiderate enough to do this in a restaurant or other public place. This adds a lot to someone who might be enjoying a nice intimate dinner with someone special. Mr. Bell, do you realize what you started back in the day?

Along the same line, there’s nothing nicer than having someone seated a few booths away from you at a restaurant who thinks that everyone else in the room is interested in hearing what he or she has to say. They evidently forgot to leave their outside voice outside.

Halloween is just around the corner. If you haven’t shopped for that perfect costume yet or haven’t stocked up on those Halloween treats for the trick-or-treaters, you might be too late. Rumor has it that you don’t need to look far to find Christmas decorations.

With the fall season comes the city’s fall leaf pick up. Leaf pick up runs from October 22 through the seventh of December. All leaves are to be placed on the street near the curb. Here’s the schedule for the final collection by district:

Third District should have leaves out by 7 AM on November 26.
First District should have their leaves out by 7 AM on November 28.
Fourth District must have their leaves out by 7 AM on November 30.
Second District leaves must be out by 7 AM on December 3.
Remember, all leaves must be in the street. The crews will not remove any leaves from the terrace.

The usual weekly words of wisdom:

Nothing makes a woman so pretty as telling her she is.
One pleasure of retirement is that you never have to be in a hurry; one of its regrets is wondering why you ever were.
Worry is like a rocking chair – it keeps you busy and gets you nowhere.
What we’ve got to do is keep hope alive, because without it we’ll sink.

The usual weekly words of wisdom:

Nothing makes a woman so pretty as telling her she is.
One pleasure of retirement is that you never have to be in a hurry; one of its regrets is wondering why you ever were.
Worry is like a rocking chair – it keeps you busy and gets you nowhere.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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