Out and About – Week of October 29th

Unless you’ve been hiding out in a cave somewhere, you’re aware that tomorrow is Halloween. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we won’t be having any rain or thunderstorms. By now everyone should have a costume ready along with a large shopping bag for all those sweet treats. This is all you need to go trick-or-treating. Most kids will dress up as their favorite action figure which never ceases to amaze me. Smart parents accompany their children as they go door-to-door seeking treats. This is good because it’s easier to keep track of where your children go. Plus it’s always handy to have the family car available in case you want to visit other neighborhoods. Smart parents will also coach their children so that they won’t forget to say “Thank You” after receiving treats. There was a time when I would offer vegetables like carrots, radishes and celery. It didn’t take long for the kids to learn to by-pass our house. The hours for trick-or-treating in Three Rivers are from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. If you happen to be out and about during that time, please drive carefully and be extra watchful for children. Children wearing a mask have limited visibility; then add the excitement of the event and you’ve got a very cautious time on your hands.

You can tell Christmas is not far off when you see reminders of the annual Lights of Love. This annual fundraiser gives everyone the opportunity to remember a loved one by making a donation to the Three Rivers Health Auxiliary. In return, there will be a light placed on the Christmas tree at the hospital. This year the donations will be used to purchase a Lucas Chest Compression System for the Emergency Room. This is all very simple. Send a check with your donation to: Three Rivers Health Auxiliary, 701 South Health Parkway, Three Rivers, Michigan 49093. Any donation will be greatly appreciated.

Because we’re entering the fall season here in Michigan, we must prepare for colder temperatures, snow, ice and sleet. After you’ve put away your lawn mower and done the preventive maintenance on the snow blower, you won’t want to forget to cover your air conditioning unit. Another good idea is to check those windows that don’t have a storm window included. You can purchase a kit at the local hardware store that will allow you to place plastic over the window. You can secure it even more by using a hair dryer. The heat will tighten up the plastic.

A week from today is election day. Be a true American and cast your vote. There is no excuse for not voting. The St. Joe County Transportation Authority will take you to the polling place and take you back home. The ride is FREE. If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain about the results.

For all you new and expecting moms out there, you’ll want to take advantage of the Free Community Baby Shower that is being hosted by The Great Start Collaborative. This FREE event happens this Saturday, November 3, from 10 AM until 1 PM. The venue is the St. Joseph Intermediate School District located on Shimmel Road, just south of Glen Oaks Community College in Centreville.

The shower includes a FREE lunch with dessert, FREE games and prizes, FREE clothes, including diapers and several FREE parenting resources. There aren’t that many FREE things out there anymore, so make the time to check it out.

A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.

A great way to end a column is by giving you something to think about. Try these thoughts:

A child is someone who passes through your life and then disappears into an adult.
Question authority, but raise your hand first.
Better than counting your years is making your years count.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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