Tentative union agreements reached

Tentative agreements were reached Tuesday with nine county unions.

The St. Joseph County board of Commissioners approved the three-year proposals, which had already been ratified by the respective unions. The District Court Association remains the only outstanding contract, though county administrator Teresa Doehring said it will likely be resolved soon.

In all, the nine unions represent more than 100 employees; nearly two-thirds of whom work for the sheriff’s department.

She noted that most contracts feature small raises – 2 percent in most cases. The biggest difference between this round and negotiations in 2015 is a health insurance matter related to a hard cap, Doehring noted. In essence, Doehring said the county will now pay up to 90 percent of the hard cap toward insurance costs.

The unions with which the tentative agreements have been reached are: E-911 Telecommunicators’ Association; Police Officers Association of Michigan corrections unit and its law-enforcement division; Command Officers Association of Michigan; Michigan Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Corrections Sergeants Division; Michigan Council No. 25 AFSCME AFL-CIO for general unit, circuit court, friend of the court, family court and probate court.

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