Out and About – Week of December 17th

For all procrastinators out there, one week from today is Christmas. You have only seven days to get those gifts of love purchased. By now, all the parcels that you wanted to send via US Mail should already be on their way. You may still, of course, take your items to the post office and they will do what they can to get them to their destination on time. The postal clerks will provide this service with a smile and with utmost patience. They will not lecture to you about waiting until the last minute to get your items on their way. They are prepared to be treated rudely by a few patrons who have never had to deal with the public. Postal employees are a rare breed, and I tip my hat to them for their service.

While on the subject of postal employees, we must not forget the postal carriers. These individuals walk many miles every day to insure that your mail is delivered in a timely fashion. They do this in all kinds of weather. During the winter, it might be a good idea to make sure your sidewalks are at least partially cleared of snow and that your porch steps are not caked with ice. Along with other service employees, a nice “Thank You” or a card is always appreciated.

With the weather changing everyday, it’s difficult to remember what season we are currently experiencing. According to my calendar, this Friday will be the first day of winter. This is a special time for me because starting on December 22, the days will start to get a little longer.

A couple of important things to remember about next Tuesday, December 25:

It’s Christmas Day.
My column appears every Tuesday, but there will not be a paper on Tuesday, so it will be a surprise for all of us as to when this column will be printed.
There will not be any trash pick up on Tuesday, December 25. Everyone’s pick up day will be one day later next week, except for Monday. The same will be true for Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
Because next Tuesday is a holiday and I’m not sure when this column will appear, I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May you all enjoy some fantastic family-time with your loved ones, and may your every Christmas wish come true.

Much like Thanksgiving, the Christmas season usually involves a lot of home cooking for family and friends. If you are planning to spend some extra time in the kitchen, here are a couple of suggestions that might make cleanup easier and save some wear and tear on your kitchen utensils:

Grease your vegetable pots with a little butter just below the rim of the pot when boiling vegetables. This prevents their boiling over. By adding a small lump of butter to the boiling water, you will gain the same effect.
To save your wooden utensils from cracking and splitting, place them in cold water, boil for an hour or two, and then let the water cool gradually.
A few things that might make you think, “Hmmmm.”

Why do they sterilize a needle for a lethal injection?
Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
Why is “phonetically” spelled with a “ph”?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars but has to check when the sign says “Wet Paint”?
You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

The easiest way to stay awake during an after-dinner speech is to deliver it.

Volunteers are caring friends.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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