Out and About – Week of December 31st

Happy New Year to all! Call me old-fashioned, but I do have some New Year’s resolutions that I will try to stick with this year. They might seem a bit boring, but they are important to me. If you’re interested, here they are:

I will try to be better at remembering someone’s name.
I will not always say “Yes” when asked to join a committee. My plate is already overflowing.
I will try to do a better job with the tasks that I have already been assigned.
I will floss better after brushing my teeth.
I will do more reading and less watching of television.
Effective Sunday, January 27, the cost of a single postage stamp will be increased by five cents. In other words, the cost for a postage stamp will be fifty-five cents. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to purchase a couple rolls of “Forever” stamps soon before the increase.

I’ve gotten in the habit of carrying a small notepad with me whenever I visit a quaint coffee shop. The reason is because some of these establishments have little signs hanging on their wall with cute sayings. I’ve shared some of these in the past, and I have a few more that you might find unique:

“Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy!”
“I like my cream and sugar with a touch of coffee.”
“I totally agree with myself.”
“I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.”
“The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.”
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
Times are changing. Growing up in the fifties was different than now. That goes without question. The economy has changed and with that. so has our lifestyle. In 1955, most women worked in the home, keeping the house in order and raising the children. Day-care centers were non-existent, and most families had just one car and one television and it went off the air at midnight.

Today, we find more women in the workplace, which includes positions of major importance. Women no longer go to college just to obtain that “Mrs.” degree. Women have proven themselves to be more than deserving of higher positions of responsibility and pay. You don’t have to look far to find the man staying home and assuming the role of “Househusband”. This can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. It takes teamwork to make it work out to everyone’s satisfaction. I’m curious to know how many times a father has said, “Just you wait until your mother gets home. Then you’re really going to get it!”

My grandmother never worked outside the home. Both my parents were teachers, so my mom not only worked outside the home, but she was also responsible for maintaining the inside of the house. My dad did his share also by keeping the outside of the house well painted and maintained, and of course, the yard was kept as neat as the inside of the house. I was volunteered many a time to help both parents. My mom was very smart, and she knew how to get things done in a timely fashion. My dad was smart also. He used to tell me, “Pa is boss as everyone knows, but what Ma says, always goes.”

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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