Senate GOP’s top priority is cutting auto insurance premiums

Republicans who control the Michigan Senate are making the reduction of auto insurance rates a top priority.

The first bill introduced in the new two-year session could let older drivers use Medicare or other health insurance to cover their medical costs in an accident. Younger drivers could opt out of Michigan’s mandatory unlimited medical coverage and choose less coverage.

The legislation, which largely signals an intent to lower car insurance costs and leaves the specifics to be ironed out later, was proposed Tuesday. By making it the first bill, Republicans are signaling the importance of the issue.

For years, efforts to curtail Michigan’s high auto insurance premiums have resulted in legislative stalemates.  (AP)

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  1. Wealthy insurance corporations have been trying to take medical coverage for accidents out of their vehicle insurance coverage for years, thereby forcing more cost directly onto the taxpayers instead of keeping it part of their corporate costs. Means more profit for them. Less healthcare coverage for us following a vehicle accident. Just as we taxpayers bailed out financial speculator millionaires and billionaires, this legislation ultimately results in the average worker bearing the brunt of costs while trying to recover from traffic accident injuries.

  2. Failing infrastructure, water contamination, pollution, healthcare, high utility costs, lack of affordable housing, low-paying jobs, high education costs, etc. and the legislature’s top priority is cutting injury coverage from auto insurance???

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